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Simple and effective solutions for your dog’s behavior, wherever you are!
Hear to what Megan has to say about our programs!
Family Dog Mediation, beyond dog training, LICENSED PROFESSIONAL
Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner
Certified Behavior Consultant Canine, Knowledge Assessed
Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed
Fear Free Certified Professional
Aggression in Dogs
Certificate of Completion

When choosing which program is best for your family and your unique situation, it's not about the length of the program you want, it's about how much help you need.

If your dog is acting aggressive, has issues with being left home alone or any other over-the-top behavior you're going to need and want more help, which equals a longer and more in-depth program.


I used to feel the same as you, and sometimes still do!


Maybe you find that hard to believe.


After all, these days, I’m a successful Canine Behavior Coach. 


But, even though I’m considered an expert…


You know what?


I wasn’t born an expert...

Here's what Meredith has to say about our programs!

My first dog as a young adult was a cute little Rottweiler puppy.

I was so excited and had big plans for my new puppy. I wanted to show him in dog shows, so I took him to as many obedience classes as possible in his first year.


Our first couple of conformation shows he did great and won many ribbons.


When he was around 15 months old, I decided I wanted to try my hand at obedience competitions. I went to a local show with my adolescent, intact Rottweiler, where he proceeded to lung and bark at a beautiful, sweet Golden Retriever! 


All the people around me started to scold and ridicule me, telling me to leave with my vicious dog. I knew my dog wasn’t mean. Most of the time, he was a big baby and super sweet. But he was HUGE, and he was feeling his oats! I didn’t recognize the situations I shouldn’t have put him in and didn't know what to do about his unacceptable behavior.


I cried the whole way home!


That hour and a half drive felt like it took a lifetime. Because I was embarrassed, I never took him to another show! I understand the helplessness of not knowing what to do when your dog misbehaves. 


I never wanted to feel like that again, and that started my journey for answers to my dog’s behavior.


After 30 years of learning, experiencing, and teaching people and their dogs, I have answers!


Lots of them!


I’ve had many dogs and people come into my life since then, all with their unique personalities and situations and some that tested my abilities. I’ve learned from every one of them. I now know that no matter what, whatever dog I bring into my home, I can help them become their best self, AND I can help you!

I know you want to fix the problem you're having with your dog NOW!

I know you want to feel relaxed, proud, and confident with your dog. 


I know you have watched TV programs showing serious problems fixed like magic within an hour.


But the reality is that we don’t see the editing involved, how long the training took, what happened behind the scenes, AND whether or not that “fix” was permanent or just good TV. 

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